
The Top 4 Benefits of Refurbishing an Old Building Instead of Building from Scratch: The Early Bird’s Perspective
May 10, 2023

Refurbishing an old building can be a daunting task, but it can also offer several benefits over building from scratch. In this blog post, we will unpack the advantages of refurbishing an old building instead of building a new one from our perspective. As a bespoke building company in Kent, at Early Birds, we specialise in large-scale refurbishments of old buildings. Some recent projects include the refurbishment of a Dutch Barn in Frittenden and the transformation of an old Oast building into a modern and unique family home in Bearsted. Building a home from scratch can be the best option for some projects, however, there are times when working with the existing structure can have its benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the reasons why refurbishment may be the right option for you.

Cost Savings:

One of the most significant benefits of refurbishing an old building is cost savings. Building from scratch can be expensive, with costs ranging from design and planning to permits and construction. In contrast, refurbishing an old building can be more cost-effective, especially if the building is already structurally sound. Early Birds can help you identify areas where you can save money, such as reusing existing building materials, while still achieving your desired outcome.

Environmental Sustainability:

Refurbishing an old building is also more environmentally sustainable than building from scratch. Reusing an existing building can reduce the carbon footprint associated with new construction. Early Birds can help you implement environmentally friendly design and construction practices, such as energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, water conservation methods, and renewable energy sources, to reduce your environmental impact further.

Preserving Heritage:

Another significant benefit of refurbishing an old building is preserving its historical and cultural heritage. Older buildings often have unique architectural features and character that are worth preserving. Early Birds can help you restore and retain these elements while also making modern updates that improve the building’s functionality and liveability.

Quick Turnaround Time:

Refurbishing an old building can also offer a quicker turnaround time than building from scratch. With an existing structure already in place, refurbishment projects can be completed faster than new construction projects. Early Birds can help you plan and execute your refurbishment project efficiently and effectively to minimise downtime and disruptions.

Our final thoughts:

When it comes to refurbishing an old building, Early Birds can help you navigate the process with ease and expertise. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in large-scale refurbishments and can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout every stage of the project. By choosing to work with Early Birds, you can rest assured that your refurbishment goals will be achieved while maximising the benefits of cost savings, environmental sustainability, heritage preservation, and a quicker turnaround time. Let us help you transform your old building into a beautiful and functional space that meets all your needs and exceeds your expectations. Together, we build dreams. 
